Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Team USA still undefeated!

Tonight, we (Team USA) played the second game in a co-ed indoor soccer tournament. My roommate, Lain, asked if I was interested in joining the team. I don't know how much I like the name though. Basicly, it's 6 on 6 with 3 guys and 3 girls from each team playing at a time. Hugo (France), Sam (England) and my other roommate, Tim are also on the team. And I got a pleasant surprise because our girls are so good at soccer... it's actually unbelievable compared to Danish standards! No offense to my Danish readers, but as we all know, Danish girls can't play soccer! At all - period...

Anyways, I couldn't play in the first game (Monday) because I had my !"#¤#"¤# stupid management class that night. However, they managed without me beating the hell out of the other team. When the whistle blew, Team USA had annihilated the other team 12-2 - Well done!

Tonight we had more resistance but we pulled through and won the game 5-2. I can't wait until next Wednesday when, hopefully, we will be 4-0!

What else? Hmmm... have gotten a few more A's on various tests and assignments, so it's all good! Also, today the weather was fine but the next few days it's gonna be between 22 and 25 degrees and sun :D

Finally, Lain is taking me and Hugo to his house this weekend. He lives out in the country side but we're gonna have lots of fun. He has his own pool table and he says he is gonna beat me. I don't know about that though, since I beat him pretty convincingly last time we played... broke the 8-ball in the whole winning the game in one shot!

Then on Sunday (Easter), I have been invited to a dinner at Dr. Ganahl. He is my professor in my Online Journalism class and also PR class. Apparently he invites all his international students on Easter every year. He said I could bring a friend, so I asked Hugo. I look forward to that too since Dr G is a pretty cool teacher.

I think that's it for now...


Monday, March 29, 2010

Fun story!

Hi everybody!

Not much has happened since the last time. I think I did pretty good in my exam in PR, though. I also got my grade for the other blog I have been doing for my Online Journalism class, Ace On The River. It turned out to be pretty good - 95/100 points :D

Anyways, as I said, not that much has happened since my last post. But I read this funny story today and I just thought I would share it with you guys. Just click 'READ MORE' if you want to read it...

Monday, March 22, 2010

A short update

Today I got the grade for my first exam in Intercultural Communication. In the exam there were 30 multiple choice questions, and 10 questions on two movies we have seen in the class. I scored 100% :D

But it's really not that hard when you get to take the exam home for two days to do it! So, until now it's been all A's for me in all assignments and tests - weeee :D

But I have a bad feeling that the good times are gonna change. I have to hand in an assignment on the book Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama on Wednesday and I haven't even started yet (on the paper - about half way through the book, though) - so that one is probably gonna suck! Also, I have a test in my PR class on Thursday. Even though Dr G is the coolest professor ever (he also teaches my Online Journalism class), I don't think I'm going to get an A on that test. I've heard from several people that his tests are pretty hard compared to other professors'.

To make matters worse I have an exam in my sociology class on Wednesday too... However, I thought it was today so I already studied for it. So, I guess I'm ready for that one...

But I really can't wait for Friday to arrive. I get out of class at noon-ish and at 5.30 PM a lot of the international students is going to a Cultural Diversity Festival thing. I've heard that the food is great there but, sadly, there's no alcohol - no worries, though! I got invited to a birthday party downtown later that night :)


Friday, March 19, 2010

Sommer i Bloomsburg :)

De sidste par dage har vi næsten haft sommervejr. 15-20 grader og sol, sol, sol! Jeg tog lige et par billeder på vej ned til frisøren

Dette er et kig ned af Main Street fra Carver Hall som ses nedenunder.

Og til sidst kommer her et billede af selve Main Street... ikke meget gang I den som I kan se...

Ellers kan jeg fortælle at jeg havde en to-timers take home multiple choice eksamen i Management i mandags. Jeg havde kun læst ét ud af de otte kapitler som eksamen dækkede, men alligevel fik jeg 91/100... who needs studying!? :P

Onsdag fejrede vi St. Patrick's Day på Harry's. Alle klæder sig i grønt og drikker sig fulde. Jeg har stadig ikke helt styr på det, men det er en irsk tradition. Men på selve dagen er alle fra Irland :)

Jeg vidste på forhånd at min time i dag var aflyst, så vi benyttede lejligheden til at smutte forbi Harry's endnu engang i går... om torsdagen har de $1 drinks, så man kan gå i byen ret billigt! 

Håber I hygger jer derhjemme - jeg gør i hvert fald. Og vær endelig ikke bange for at smide nogle kommentarer... Det føles lidt tomt uden feedback en gang i mellem

Monday, March 15, 2010

Video from Daytona

Here's the video I was talking about in my post about Spring Break

This is where I reside!

Før Spring Break lavede jeg en lille video af hvordan jeg bor, og som I kan se, er jeg lidt af en linselus :P
Stedet hedder som sagt Mount Olympus og alle lejlighederne er ens. Lejlighederne er i to etager, og der er plads til seks personer i hver. To bor nedenunder og fire ovenpå. Men I kan se det hele i videoen...

Som I måske kunne høre til sidst, er jeg gået hen og blevet finkulturel... flame away :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

SPRING BREAK In Daytona Beach, Florida

 I just came back from one of the greatest trips in my life! This concept of Spring Break is amazing - especially when you go somewhere warm :) So, this post is probably going to be a bit long - even though it's just a summary...

It all started Saturday morning at 7 AM. Lotte, Eduardo, Hugo and me met up to walk down to the bus. We had to take it to Philadelphia. In Philly we then had to take the train to get to the airport.Then we had to fly to Atlanta and then to Daytona Beach, Florida :D

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Atlantic City

Last weekend was absolutely crazy! Friday night I was hanging out with Päivi, Hugo and Päivi's roommate, Natalie watching the Olympic semifinal in ice hockey between Finland and USA. During the game Natalie tells us that she is going to a concert in Atlantic City (Las Vegas, only on the east coast and smaller) on Saturday and then she asks if any of us wants to join her. Me and Hugo looked at each other for 5 seconds before deciding that that was a great idea!