Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowmageddon in Bloomsburg :)

Finally we have serious amounts of snow in Bloom. It started during the night and continued all through the day, so now we have around 40cm of snow! School was closed today so I slept in. When I woke up, me, Lain, Spencer, Eric and Tim (my new roommates) went to Monty's for some good old fashioned breakfast.

I had a cheese steak with french fries and a soda. It tasted great but I didn't feel too good about myself after eating that sort of food for breakfast... So, this was the beginning of what turned out to be a really good but unhealthy day! After breakfast we went to play in the snow. Lain put on his skis and the rest of us shared a tray we found. I'm almost certain that I will catch a cold after spending an hour in the snow... but it was fun!

Later, some of us international students had planned a surprise party for a French girl, Sonia. From 5pm to 10.30pm I didn't do nothing but eat. At first there were loads of different cakes. Then we had some taco shells and after that we ordered pizza. So really, apart from maybe half a liter of water, I have really lived like a true American today.

 Maybe I should spend a couple of hours in the Rec Center tomorrow?

Oh well, see ya!

P.S. This is what Bloomsburg looks like after almost 24 hours of continuous snow:
Eduardo and Hugo on the way to the surprise party


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